Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Playday and Popsicles

Rigdon was Emma Caroline's first friend here and one of the funniest kids I've ever met. They play so well together (Praise the Lord). A few weeks ago Rigdon came to play and this is the conversation I heard in the back of the car.
Rigdon: "Emma Caroline why are your eyebrows brown?" (not sure where that came from)
EC: (No response)
Rigdon: "Well, I think you are the prettiest girl in the whole world."
I agree


BKicklighter said...

THAT is absolutely adorable.
Funny, that story encourages my heart. Silly, eh? Still - it makes my heart smile.

Heath and Nikki said...

That is so sweet! I love ease dropping on my kids too :) Yesterday Karson was talking about his 3 girl friends! Yikes

JDunn said...

Wow! That is SOOO sweet! Ruth Anne is begging again for Emma Caroline time as well. Since it is supposed to be cooler the rest of the week maybe we can walk over sometime tomorrow and holler at y'all.

Anonymous said...

Rigdon has good eyes. She is a beauty. Mimi

Anonymous said...

We, also, agree. Rigdon is so cute, has her dad told him she can't date until she is 30? GeGe and DeDe


