Ok, so my baby is now about the size of a blueberry according to the weekly update I get from
BabyCenter.com. So how come my stomach is
soooo much bigger? At this rate I will be in maternity clothes before my 3rd month, how
embarrassing. I guess the biggest problem is my very short list of things that sound good:
Grill cheese or cheese toast
Pepperoni pizza
tatter tots - oh my, these are good
potato soup (from Jason's Deli)
occasional hamburger with nothing but cheese, mayo and ketchup
Do you realize this is the diet of a 5 year old and a college student. I steer clear of this kind of stuff as much as I can normally. At the rate I'm going I'll gain all my pregnancy weight before the end of my 1st trimester.
Several of y'all have asked if we will find out what we are having. If you know me at all, you know that I am WAY to practical to not find out. I have clothes to go through and wash and most of all a name to come up with. I really don't want to have to come up with 2 names, 1 is hard enough. Besides, it's going to be a
surprise, I just get to decide when I get the surprise, right?