Saturday, April 26, 2008

Alton Brown

OK so anyone who knows me knows that I love the Food Network. There are few shows on it that I don't enjoy and I have been watching since the network first began. One show that I have enjoyed for the past 10 years is Good Eats with Alton Brown. It can be a bit strange at times but I have learned a lot because he mixes cooking with science so you learn the "why" and the "how." Well, yesterday Alton Brown came to a book signing in Greenwood. I was so excited to get to go. EC and Knox both had somewhere to be and I was free. He started by giving a little talk about why he wrote his book "Feasting on Asphalt" and then he took questions. Well, I just can't keep my mouth shut so I raise my hand and asked if there ever had been or ever would be a Chefography about him. (If you don't know what that is, you really should watch more Food Network. It is basically a bio on that person where they interview friends, wife, mom etc....) When I asked this question his countenance changed and he looked at me and said "No, there isn't one and there never will be because my personal life is my own damn business". Yikes. Then he made a few jokes about not wanting his mom interviewed. Well, I did manage to pull myself out from under the table to listen to the rest of the questions. I was rather embarrassed and when it was over I wanted to tuck my tail and go but being the blogger that I am I defiantly stood in line to get a picture (which is terrible of me but I'm posting it dag-um it). To make matters worse, I didn't buy his book for him to sign (because I have cookbooks coming out my ears). So I don't think ol' Alton's going to end up being my best bud - oh well. Maybe not such a loss.


Aimee said...

I, too, enjoy alton. You shouldn't feel bad, Bethany. He's chosen a profession, as tv commentary and cookshow host, which is very public. So, I say, you had a very valid question. Sorry he rebuffed. Guess we'll just keep him on the tv and in the book, eh?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Paula Dean was nicer, being the consumate Southerner she is! :)


Stewart Ramsay said...

Hmmm, I guess he thinks his star is permanently fixed in the heavens. That's too bad, because often such people rise and fall on how they treat their fan base. Too bad. I'll probably have a very hard time watching his show now without remember what a jerk he was to my sister.

John Mark said...

Shea told me I needed to read your blog because you were disparaging a Food Network personality. I immediately ran to the computer to make sure you weren't saying mean things about Ina. I can totally see AB being that way. He's not my favorite of the network, but I sure have learned a lot from watching him (like: rinsing mushrooms off will not make them soggy, oil in the pasta water is useless, and you should crack eggs on the counter instead of the edge of the bowl).

Julee said...

What a not-nice person! We use his steak au poivre recipe sometimes, but may be not anymore! He doesn't even look very happy in the photo.


