Monday, October 23, 2006

Potty Training

For some of you this may be too much information but there may be someone reading this who is pulling their hair out like I was so I must share what I know. Emma Caroline has been giving us fits with potty training. We had tried several different approaches with NO success. So one day I went to our local bookstore and looked through a few books. I found a different approach in Toddler Wise by Gary Ezzo. (Some may be familiar with his book Baby Wise). He talks about 3 different approaches, we did the Progressive approach. Now we still have some accidents but she is doing so good!!! There are 2 big differences. First, you reward for staying dry and clean. This was good for us to begin with because all we had heard was to reward when they went potty. Well, that is hard to do when they won't go. This gave us something to reward and it gave her incentive. The second thing that made a huge impact was that I bought a bunch of "prizes". Basically junk food that I never let her have. Then we role played with a teddy bear going potty. When the teddy bear went potty she (teddy) got some of the prizes. Emma Caroline really wanted the prizes so we only had to role play that a few times and put her on the potty and she got the picture. This is a very abbreviated explanation, but I highly recommend the book. I hope that it will be helpful to others.


erika said...

ok girl. now i need some advice on how to get them to POOP. :) I'm ok with getting personal, here. HA!!

Anonymous said...

fun times


